Snow Pallet Project with Memories of The Winter
-アントロポセン(人新世)に積もる雪- / Snow on Anthropocene-
I strive to create artworks that resonate with nature. My “Rand Art” symbolizes expresses the unique Hokkaido Northern climate, with its heavy snowfalls. Art in natural context all depends on the weather, but I think that is how it should be. There’s nothing we can do to tame Mother Nature. I aim not to control nature, but the nestle close to it, to use it cleverly.
冬のランドアート「Snow Pallet」は年間降雪量6mにも達する190万都市札幌を中心に、展開されている「冬の記憶」のためのサイトスペシフィックアートである。スノーパレットとは、オブジェ裏面に塗布された蛍光塗料が雪の反射によって雪面に鮮やかな色彩を表出させるインスタレーションである。高さの異なる幾つものオブジェによってその時々の太陽光と積雪量によって景色を変えていく。設置場所によって異なる降り積もる雪の形状、初雪から雪解けまでの約4か月の変化する景色、1日の時間軸で変化する表出する色彩、また天候によって変化する色彩(曇天、降雪時のほうが彩度の映える太陽光のスペクトルのマジック)。これは、タイムスケープランドアートでもある。
Winter land art "Snow Pallet" has been installed mainly in the big city of Sapporo.
Where, snow piles up about 6meters every winter. My art is site-specific for it also conveys “memories of winter.”
“Snow Pallet” is an artwork where fluorescent paint has been applied to the underside of an object which stands just above the snow.
In doing so, the vivid colors are reflected on the snow’s surface.
It is an installation work that changes the landscape according to the time of the day, to the amount of snow and sunlight, and to the number of objects and different heights. I think of it as “Time - scape land art.”
I started the Snow pallet project in 2011. The snowfall has been decreasing year by year.
We have often irregular snow fall, varying from heavy snow to no snow in a short cycle in late years.
I think that Global warming is interlinked with climate change. Environmental issues are an urgent matter for all human being.
What direction is the earth heading ? Where will we be in the future?
Using “Snow Pallet,” I display memories of past landscapes together with weather date.
The Snow Palette Project is to record and memorize each winter's snowfall through art, but there may be a season in the near future when the project will not be possible due to the ultimate lack of snow. But ultimately, there may be seasons in the near future when the project will not be possible due to lack of snow. Of course, I am not wishing for that. I hope that this project will weave together the beautiful memories of each winter.
Anthropocene: relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
■イタリア デザインブーム Design Boom
第1会場: 北翔大学円山キャンパス1FギャラリーA前エントランス
札幌市中央区南2東1 フラーテ札幌3F
Venue1:Entrance in front of Gallery A on the 1st floor of Hokusho University Maruyama Campus
date:december 7th-February 7th
Venue2: The Japanese tea cafe "Nichigetsu,"
Date: December 1st, 2024 – Until the snow melts at the end of Winter,2025
At the first venue I am installing five inverted triangular shaped objects. This is the first time I am unveiling this shape. I pursued the beautiful shape of the snow that had
accumulated inside the V shape. Venue2: the Japanese tea cafe "Nichigetsu," At the second venue there are 12 tall objects, about 170cm to 210cm in height. In the
background of these objects is the Sapporo TV Tower in Sapporo.
Snow Pallet 18 -winter again-
2025年1月6日(月)積雪深30cm 昨年20cm 平年値27cm 最高気温3.6℃ 気温上昇により、天板に積もった雪はシャーベット状に。透過反射光により、鮮やかな色彩が表れた。
2025.January 6th (Mon) Snow depth: 30cm Last year: 20cm Average: 27cm Today the maximum temperature rose to 3.6 degrees and the snow melted. The snow turned into slush.

2024.December. 7 3pm Snowfall depth 3cm
2024年12月17日積雪深16㎝ 昨年度7cm.平年値10cm 最高気温-3℃ 2024. December 17th, Snow depth 16cm Last year 7cm. Average 10cm Maximum temperature -3℃

2024年12月31日(火)積雪深29cm 観測時間24:00 2024. December 31(TUE) Snow depth: 29cm

2025年1月3日(金)積雪深28cm 昨年21cm 平年値24cm 最高気温 -3℃
2025. January 3rd (Fri) Snow depth: 28cm Last year: 21cm Average: 24cm
Beautiful snow piled up on the inside of the V-shape
2025.January 6th (Mon) Snow depth: 30cm Last year: 20cm Average: 27cm Today the maximum temperature rose to 3.6 degrees and the snow melted. The snow turned into slush.

第2会場:日本茶にちげつ札幌市中央区南2東1 フラーテ札幌3F 2024.12.1-2025.2月末から3月上旬の雪解けの頃まで Venue2: The Japanese tea cafe "Nichigetsu,"Date: December 1st, 2024 – Until the snow melts at the end of Winter,2025 12月9日午後3時降雪深7㎝ 昨年度0cm.平年値3cm 気温+2度。2024. November 9th Snow depth 7cm

2024年12月14日(土)積雪深11cm 昨年5cm 平年値7cm
2024. December 14th (sat) Snow depth: 11cm Last year: 5cm Average: 7cm

2024年12月24日(火)積雪深29cm 昨年8cm 平年値17cm 最高気温-0.5℃
2024.December 24th (tue) Snow depth: 29cm Last year: 8cm Average: 17cm

2024年12月25日(水)積雪深25cm 昨年8cm 平年値18cm 最高気温-0.5℃
2024.December 25th (wed) Snow depth: 29cm Last year: 8cm Average: 18cm
Between snow heaps and fluo colors “Snow Pallet 18” by Toshihiko Shibuya tells how the great winter of Hokkaido is getting less and less big
As this article is written, in Sapporo, northern Japan, the sun is alternating with snowfall. It will continue to be the same for the next few days. And as the snow falls, piles up, freezes or melts, the two installations that make up “Snow Pallet 18” by Toshihiko Shibuya will continue to change appearance; both in shape and color.
It is normal for it to snow even on beautiful days, during the winter on the island of Hokkaido, when temperatures are low and the Siberian wind drives tourists to seek shelter while transforming precipitation into an unparalleled spectacle; with tiny snowflakes dancing in the air like countless little fireflies before piling up into a thick white blanket. On the other hand, the entire area is a ‘yuki-guni’, that is, a ‘snow country’, where architecture, economy and everyday life are influenced by the harsh winters (a characteristic of the island in particular that has strongly influenced the work of Mr. Shibuya, as he himself explained in a recent interview with Artbooms). Where trees are reinforced with bamboo canes and ropes to support the weight of the flakes (‘yukitsuri’), where the practice of ‘yukimi’ (that is, ‘looking at the snow’) is common, and where the Snow Festival has been one of the most popular events for decades now. And yet, even there, the climate is changing. Toshihiko Shibuya knows this well, and for over ten years now, every winter, he has staged a different version of the “Snow Pallet” installation. The work, characterized by minimal shapes and bright colors that the snow refracts and amplifies, has become over time a sculptural (and photographic) diary of the snowfalls in the far north of the Japanese archipelago: “Using Snow Pallet,” he explains, “I show the memories of past landscapes together with the dates of meteorological events.”
Landscapes, which according to Mr. Shibuya, are losing some of their charm: “The German writer Goethe, who was also a natural scientist, wrote in his book ‘Theory of Colors’: ‘All intense colors exist in the cloudy sky, which is between light and darkness. With dawn, yellow appears, followed by orange, red and other bright colors, and when the sun sets in the evening, blue appears. Blue exists right next to darkness.’ This phenomenon can be represented by looking at Snow Pallet. I started the project in 2011. Since then, snowfall has decreased year after year. Lately, we often have irregular snowfall, ranging from heavy to no snow in a short period of time.”
What has not changed, however, is the spirit of the project, aimed at underlining the transitory beauty of the landscape, its fragility and changeability, without betraying the compositions created by chance. To achieve this result, Mr. Shibuya uses industrial metal supports with simple shapes, designed as support surfaces for snow. Dyed white to blend into the winter landscapes, but hiding intense, often fluorescent, colors in the blind surfaces. Usually they look like small tables, but not this year.
Composed of two installations created by Mr. Shibuya in two different locations, “Snow Pallet 18” in fact seems to overturn the usual paradigm: in one work the supports are inverted triangles that appear for the first time; in the other the small horizontal planes are supported by long legs like stilts and the colors are no longer hidden but lacquered directly in the area on which the snow will fall.
The sculpture formed by the succession of inverted triangles was positioned in front of an entrance to the Maruyama campus of Hokusho University. The other is instead placed on the panoramic terrace of the Japanese café Nichigetsu, so as to dialogue with the sky and the skyline of the city but above all with the TV Tower (over 143 meters high, the tower built in '57 by the architect Tachū Naitō, is a tourist attraction). Both works were created in Sapporo.
As on other occasions, the close comparison with the city’s at times futuristic architecture has influenced the work, which echoes with recurring motifs and key elements of the urban setting. At the entrance to the campus, for example, the inverted triangles are fixed to structures made of strips that resonate with the light and dark lines of windows and walls, streets and branches. Not to mention that the upper part of the triangles looks a lot like the atrium under which the sculptures are positioned. Here the snow, aided by the local wind, stops in unexpected corners of the ‘pallets’ and, from moment to moment, reverberates the colours in a new way. On the panoramic terrace, however, Mr. Shibuya, through the vertical elements of the sculptures, evokes reeds or river vegetation in general, but also skyscrapers. While the small vertical planes close to each other, allow the wind and the sun to play with the snow, making it take on bizarre shapes that are constantly changing, in which, from moment to moment, everyone can see different things. As if they were Rothschild stains or passing clouds.
For example, the owner of the japanese café Nichigetsu said: "I am happy that the snow-capped mountains depicted on these objects resemble Mount Fuji. This is because every year I pick tea in Shizuoka (a city and prefecture in central-southern Japan, editor's note), from where I can see Mount Fuji."
This reveals the psychological aspect of the “Snow Pallet” series, which has rigidly assigned roles: nature offers its own show, the artist highlights it, the observer interprets it based on reason, experience and his state of mind. Thus, in addition to general considerations, the works push the viewer into an exquisitely personal territory (nostalgia, childhood memories and all those moments that an occasional, even if recurring, event brings with them).
The artist instead explained (referring to the sculptures on the panoramic terrace): “Unlike the usual Snow Pallet, these tall objects have a fluorescent coating on the upper surface. If the snow simply piled up, the vivid colors would not be visible. With the rapid increase in temperature, the snow melts and turns into slush. The sunlight penetrates through the small snow-capped mountains transformed into ice, allowing us to see the vivid light passing through them.”
He then added: “My art is made possible by climate change, with heavy snowfall and rising temperatures. This is quite ironic. Will people who see the beautiful masses of snow changing color on the object be inspired to think about the problem of climate change?”

12月27日AM9:00 積雪深29cm(昨年度23cm、平年値32cm)気温-5℃ December 27th 9:00 AM Snow depth 29cm (Last year 23cm, average 32cm) Temperature -5℃
December 27th 9:00AM Snow depth 29cm (Last year 23cm, average 32cm) Temperature
-5℃ On the first day of the exhibition, 29 cm of snow fell overnight.
12月28日AM9:00 積雪深24cm(昨年度22cm、平年値33cm)気温+1度
December 28th 9:00AM Snow depth 29cm (Last year 23cm, average 32cm) Temperature +1℃ As the temperature rose, the snow hat transformed into a unique shape, and due to the reflective effect, colors began to appear on the snow hats.
12月29日AM9:00 積雪深22cm(昨年度22cm、平年値34cm)最高気温+2,3度 December 29th 9:00 AM Snow depth 22cm (Last year 22cm, average 34cm)
December 29th 9:00AM Snow depth 22cm (Last year 22cm, average 34cm) Highest temperature +2,3℃
As the temperature has risen, the accumulated snow becomes sherbet-like, and you were able to see the fluorescent color on the top of the tabletop becoming stained like the syrup on a shaved ice by reflected and transmitted light. Also, the melting snow hats(masses) create unique natural formations.
12月30日AM9:00 積雪深21cm(昨年度27cm、平年値35cm)最高気温+4度
December 30th 9:00AM Snow depth 21cm (Last year 27cm, average 35cm) Highest temperature +4℃
The snow hats became so thin that I thought they were berets already?
However, due to the sunlight reflecting effect, the colors are vivid.
12月31日AM9:00 積雪深20cm、(昨年度25cm、平年値36cm)最高気温-1度
December 31 9:00AM Snow depth 20cm (Last year 25cm, average 36cm) Highest temperature -1℃
temperature was minus 1 degree. Celsius, but small icicles were forming from the snow piled up on the circular plate.
2024年1月1日AM9:00 積雪深25cm、(昨年度28cm、平年値37cm)最高気温-3度 気温が低くても、天板の雪は太陽の反射熱で少し解けてきます。
2024 January 1 9:00AM Snow depth 25cm (Last year 28cm, average 37cm) Highest temperature +3℃ the weather was rainy
The snow on the circular plate began to melt due to the rain.
2024年1月2日AM9:00 積雪深25㎝(昨年度27cm、 平年値38cm)
2024 January 2 9:00AM Snow depth 25cm (Last year 27cm, average 38cm) Highest temperature +3℃ The weather was cloudy and rainy at times.
2024年1月3日AM9:00 積雪深21cm、(昨年度27cm、平年値39cm)最高気温+1度
2024 January3, 9:00AM Snow depth 21cm, (last year 27cm, average 39cm) Highest temperature +1℃ degrees
The snow on the tall top plate has melted. The weather news from now until January 15th, the last day of the month, says there will be no snowfall and the temperature will not fall below freezing. The two-layer medium-sized plates on the protective fence of the marble chair are covered with snow, making it impossible to see the two-layer structure, but it may become possible to see them as the snow melts due to rising temperatures.
2024 January 4, 9:00AM Snow depth 21cm, (last year 27cm, average 39cm) Highest temperature +2,6℃ degrees
Due to today's rise in temperature, the snow has melted and the two-layered objects have appeared.
Snow Pallet 17/an urban-style
Snow Pallet 17 an urban-style /Toshihiko Shibuya
Date: December 27, 2023 (Wednesday) - January 5, 2024 (Friday)
Venue: Entrance in front of Gallery A on the 1st floor of Hokusho University Maruyama Campus
On December 26, 2023, there is 0 cm of snow in Sapporo city. This time, we attempted to use an urban-style installation in the center of the city as a protective fence for marble chairs.
The venue ground is road heated, so there will be no snow. Therefore, we will be setting up 16 tall objects and 2 medium-sized tabletops. Although the exhibition period is shorter than usual, you will be able to see not only cotton hats but also snow hats piled up.

札幌の澁谷俊彦さんが毎年冬に場所を変えながら展開している「Snow Pallet」シリーズの17回目。
しかし彼の場合、generation シリーズは決して小さなピン自体が作品なのではなく、それをとりまく自然環境全体がいわば作品として提示されていますし、昨年のCAI03 での個展「沈黙の森」の作品、あるいは「WHITE COLLECTION」シリーズは、自然から種子などを拾ってきてそれを見せるだけです。それを素材に新しいモノをこしらえるのではありません。
北海道美術ネット別館 主催 梁井朗
This is the 17th installment of the "Snow Pallet" series that Toshihiko Shibuya from Sapporo holds in different locations every winter. We take full advantage of Hokkaido's snowy natural environment. The snow itself is not colored. The snow reflects the fluorescent colors applied to the disks. In the past, there were works in which the underside of the board was painted yellow or red, and the colors were slightly reflected on the surface of the snow that had piled up underneath. The one installed this time is painted on a board,and the color is reflected on the bottom of the snow that has piled up on top. How the snow falls depends on the sky and has no control over the author (and, of course, the viewer). Even if you go to see it, you might find that the snow is piled up thick and thick on top of the disc, or the warm air may melt all the snow and all you see is a row of discs of different heights. not. In fact, when the author went to see it, there was so much snow that winter that all the pallets were covered.I have previously pointed out that Mr. Shibuya's work stands as a kind of antithesis to the way that most conventional works of art strive to carry the artist's intentions into every detail. In other words, it can be said to be a criticism of the Western style. However, this time, I noticed something for the first time.Mr. Shibuya "doesn't make" anything. ”Writers don't create” may seem like a strange phrase. However, in his case, the generation series is by no means a work of art, but rather the entire environment surrounding it, and his ``WHITE COLLECTION'' series, such as last year's solo exhibition ”Forest of Silence” are seeds from nature. Just pick up something like that and show it. Imay be scolded for saying this, but what painters and sculptors work so hard to create may end up becoming waste in the future and contributing to environmental destruction. Of course, if you think that what you create will destroy the environment, you won't be able to do any creative work, and your opinions will become so extreme that you'll force others to do the same. If that were the case, it would be fascism. Mr. Shibuya is not commenting on the creative attitude of others, and of course he is not treating his own or others' artwork as garbage. However, it can be said that his creative activities do not place much of a burden on the environment (although he does not seem to make this a point of focus ). Looking at it this way, it seems that the reason why exhibits are labeled with the word "Anthropocene" is not simply because they are on a bandwagon or because the amount of snowfall is rapidly changing due to climate change. . Mr. Shibuya's work is constantly changing in appearance, even if the methodology itself does not change much. Not only does it vary slightly depending on the amount of snowfall, but also the time of day and the weather, as well as the lighting conditions. This change is not under the control of the author, but rather the environment has the initiative. The human influence on the environment is increasing year by year, and I think the author is also aware of this. The reason why Mr. Shibuya's work has received such a strong response from Europe and the United States may be due to the country's strong concern and sense of crisis regarding climate change. Hokkaido Art Net Akira Yanai

Snow Pallet 17 an urban-style: Toshihiko Shibuya fa costruire alla neve un monumento alla mutevole bellezza della natura nel cuore di Sapporo
La diciasettesima versione della serie scultorea “Snow Pallet” di Toshihiko Shibuya è stata più breve del solito. I consueti elementi, a forma di tavolino, ombrellino o fungo stilizzato (in sintesi: cerchi e linee perpendicolari gli uni alle altre), dipinti in colori fluorescenti, vivacissimi e briosi, sono rimasti posizionati all’ingresso del campus Maruyama dell'Università di Hokusho meno di un mese: dal 27 dicembre al 5 gennaio. Eppure la neve, anche questa volta, ha saputo trasformarli giorno dopo giorno in maniera sostanziale.
“Anche- ha detto Toshihiko Shibuya- se la durata dell'esposizione è stata più breve del solito, si sono potuti vedere ammucchiati (sui supporti ndr) non solo berretti di cotone ma anche cappelli da neve”.
Siamo a Sapporo, capitale della montuosa isola di Hokkaido, nell’estremo nord del Giappone (da Capo Sōya, nella parte più a nord dell’isola, la Russia dista solo 43 chilometri), dove la neve cade copiosa ogni anno (anche se ultimamente meno di prima). Il susseguirsi delle stagioni, lì non ha chiaroscuri, e le persone associano i loro ricordi al mutare del paesaggio più che altrove; anche e soprattutto durante l’inverno con la sua spessa coltre bianca, capace di trasformare ogni scorcio. Ed è qui che Toshihiko Shibuya concepisce un’installazione ricorrente che ripete ogni anno. Più o meno uguale a se stessa, sempre nello stesso periodo, da ben 17 anni ormai.
Certo cambia il numero degli elementi che Shibuya posiziona, la loro collocazione, l’altezza, le dimensioni e la giustapposizione dei colori, ma alla base di “Snow Pallet” ci sono sempre uno o più gruppi di piedistalli, pensati per sorreggere la neve, mettendone in luce la mutevolezza, la grana e le forme cangianti. In maniera che quest’ultima (vista come parte che riflette il tutto) sia di fatto la scultura. O meglio le sculture. Proprio come un busto capace di cambiare fisionomia da solo a seconda dell’anno, del giorno, dell’ora, del meteo, e di casualità varie (magari il passaggio di un animaletto o la mano di un umano). Un vero e proprio monumento alla bellezza multiforme della natura ed alla transitorietà.
Shibuya, da parte sua, osserva e documenta pazientemente ogni travestimento della materia (persino la sua momentanea assenza). Anche se la neve in mostra sui pedistalli è la metafora di un paesaggio che si estende ben oltre di essa e che andrebbe ammirato dal vivo. Sembra anzi che uno degli scopi del lavoro sia strappare ad una rappresentazione la pienezza della realtà, posizionando l’umanità non più al centro del quadro ma come parte del tutto. Attrice tra gli attori di un armonioso fluire.
L’elemento rituale dell’opera di Toshihiko Shibuya, infatti, richiama la stagionalità stessa ed evoca anche ancestrali pratiche propiziatorie. Ma è soprattutto un modo per sottolineare la fragilità della natura e preservare la memoria.
“Ho iniziato il progetto Snow pallet nel 2011- dice l’artista- Le nevicate sono diminuite di anno in anno. Negli ultimi tempi qui a Hokkaido abbiamo nevicate irregolari, che variano da vere e proprie tormente all’ assenza di neve in un breve ciclo. Penso che il fenomeno sia legato al cambiamento climatico. Le questioni ambientali sono urgenti per tutti gli esseri umani (…) Il progetto Snow Palette consiste nel registrare e memorizzare le nevicate di ogni inverno attraverso l'arte, ma potrebbe esserci una stagione nel prossimo futuro in cui il progetto non sia realizzabile a causa della totale mancanza di neve. Naturalmente non lo desidero. Spero che questo progetto tesserà insieme i bellissimi ricordi di ogni inverno”.
L’artista ha poi l’abitudine di colorare parte dei supporti bianchi con toni fluorescenti che sembrano penetrare nella neve, per generare nell’osservatore un senso di stupore e meraviglia. Immaginando l’effetto finale, si concentra sulla parte superiore o su quella inferiore dei piani, che riflettono, verso l’alto o verso il basso, colori vividi e gioiosi che sembrano rubati all’industria alimentare facendo riferimento all’infanzia e alla giovinezza. Ma anche ai numerosi impieghi della luce nell’arte contemporanea, all’immateriale e al transitorio, senza dimenticare il tema degli inganni percettivi. E ovviamente, quello della bellezza sempre uguale e sempre diversa della natura che si rinnova.
“Man mano che la temperatura aumenta- spiega l’artista- la neve accumulata diventa simile a un sorbetto e si può vedere il colore fluorescente trasmesso dalla luce riflessa sulla parte superiore del tavolo macchiarsi come lo sciroppo su un ghiaccio tritato. Inoltre, i cappelli (masse) di neve che si sciolgono creano formazioni naturali uniche”.
“Snow Pallet 17” (a differenza di gran parte delle passate versioni) è stata concepita per lo spazio urbano (non a caso si chiama: “Snow Pallet 17 an urban-style”) a cui si sposa con grazia. Composta da un totale di 18 piedistalli (16 alti e 2, grandi, bassi) per accogliere la neve, concentrati intorno a due panchine all’esterno dell’università.
Interessante dal punto di vista del design, la scelta di coprire le panchine di cemento, in quel momento inutilizzate, proteggendole, e sviluppando l’installazione intorno e sopra di esse. Le linee che si ripetono nella struttura protettiva sono omogenee ai supporti, agli elementi architettonici vicini e si mimetizzano nell’ambiente cittadino ma soprattutto sono anonime quel tanto che basta per mettere in evidenza i volumi curvilinei e inaspettati costruiti dalla neve.
“Questa volta abbiamo tentato di realizzare un'installazione in stile urbano nel centro della città come recinzione protettiva per le sedie in marmo. Il terreno della sede era riscaldato dalla strada, quindi non c'era neve. Anche se la durata dell'esposizione è stata più breve del solito, si sono potuti vedere ammucchiati non solo berretti di cotone ma anche berretti da neve”.
Il gioco di riflessi dei colori sulla neve che si scioglie durante una giornata di sole, pronti ad espandersi in toni inaspettati sulla base protettiva bagnata, mentre i ventri del campus rispecchiano gli alberi circostanti, mostrano quanto la bellezza, a volte, nella propria umiltà, possa nascondersi sotto il nostro naso. E, mentre i rigori dell’inverno sono ancora tutti da superare, anticipano il risveglio primaverile della vita.
Natasha Baribieri /ARTOOMS
都会的なスタイルの Snow Pallet 17: 渋谷俊彦が雪を作り、札幌の中心部に移り変わる自然の美しさの記念碑を建てる
澁谷俊彦の彫刻シリーズ「スノーパレット」の第17弾は、いつもより短いバージョンでした。 テーブル、傘、または様式化されたキノコの形をした通常の要素(つまり、互いに直交する円と線)は、蛍光色で非常に明るく生き生きとした色で描かれ、北翔大学円山キャンパスの入り口に置かれ続けました。 1 か月未満: 12 月 27 日から 1 月 5 日まで。 しかし、今回も雪は、彼らを日々大きく変えてしまいました。「たとえ会期が通常より短かったとしても、綿帽子だけでなくスノーハットも(スタンドに)積み上げられていただろう」と渋谷俊彦氏は語った。
私たちは日本の最北端、北海道の山間の島の首都である札幌にいます(ロシアは島の最北端にある宗谷岬からわずか43キロメートルです)。そこには毎年大量の雪が降ります(とはいえ、最近は以前より雪が少ないです) )。 季節の移り変わりには明暗がありません。人々は他の場所よりも、移り変わる風景に記憶を結び付けます。 そして何よりも冬の間は、その分厚い白い毛布があらゆる景色を一変させます。 そして、渋谷俊彦が毎年繰り返すインスタレーションを構想するのもここです。 17年間、ほぼ同じで、常に同じ時代にあります。
もちろん、澁谷が配置する要素の数、その位置、高さ、寸法、色の並置は変わりますが、「Snow Pallet」の基部には常に 1 つ以上の台座があり、雪を支えるように設計されており、雪の特徴を強調しています。変異性、木目、形状の変化。 したがって、後者(全体を反映する一部として見られる)が実際には彫刻であるということです。 というか彫刻そのもの。 それは、年、日、時間、天候、そしてさまざまな偶然(小動物や人の手など)によって、その姿を自ら変える胸像のように。 自然の多面的な美しさと儚さの真の記念碑。
澁谷は、あらゆる物質の偽装(たとえ一瞬の不在であっても)を辛抱強く観察し、記録します。 たとえ、台座に飾られた雪は、その向こうに広がる、直接賞賛されるべき風景の比喩であるとしても。 実際、この作品の目的の 1 つは、表現から現実の豊かさを取り除き、人類をもはや絵画の中心ではなく全体の一部として位置づけることにあるようです。 息の合った流れの俳優の中の女優。
渋谷俊彦の作品の儀式的な要素は、実際、季節そのものを思い出させ、先祖代々の宥めの習慣も呼び起こします。 しかし何よりも、それは自然のもろさを強調し、記憶を保存する方法です。
「私は2011年にスノーパレットプロジェクトを始めました - アーティストは言います - 降雪量は年々減少しています。 ここ北海道ではここ数年、猛吹雪から無雪までの短い周期で不規則な雪が降りました。 この現象は気候変動に関連していると思います。 環境問題は人類にとって喫緊の課題です(…) スノーパレットプロジェクトは、毎年冬の降雪をアートを通じて記録し記憶するものですが、近い将来、完全に雪が不足してプロジェクトが実行できない季節が来るかもしれません。 もちろんそんなことは望んでいません。 このプロジェクトがそれぞれの冬の美しい思い出を紡いでくれることを願っています。」
その後、アーティストは、観察者に驚きと驚異の感覚を生み出すために、白い支持体の一部を雪に浸透するような蛍光色で着色する習慣を持っています。 最終的な効果を想像しながら、彼は平面の上部または下部に焦点を当て、子供時代と青年期を指し、食品産業から盗まれたような鮮やかで楽しい色を上向きまたは下向きに反映します。 しかし、知覚的欺瞞のテーマを忘れずに、現代美術における光の多用、非物質的で一時的なものにも当てはまります。 そして明らかに、それは常に同じであり、常に異なる、自らを更新する自然の美しさです。
「温度が上昇すると、積もった雪がシャーベットのようになり、テーブルの上に反射した光が透過する蛍光色が、砕いた氷の上のシロップのように汚れるのが見えるとアーティストは説明します。」 さらに、溶けた雪の冠(塊)が独特の自然の地形を生み出します。」
「Snow Pallet 17」は(これまでのほとんどのバージョンとは異なり)都市空間向けに考案されており(「Snow Pallet 17 都市型スタイル」と呼ばれているのは偶然ではありません)、都市空間に優雅にフィットします。 雪を収容するための合計 18 個の台座 (高さ 16 個、大低 2 個) で構成され、大学の外にある 2 つのベンチの周りに集中しています。
デザインの観点から見て興味深いのは、当時は使用されていなかったコンクリートのベンチを覆い、保護し、その周囲と上に設置物を開発するという選択です。 保護構造で繰り返される線は、支柱や近くの建築要素と同質であり、都市環境に溶け込んでいますが、何よりも、雪によって構築された曲線と予想外のボリュームを強調するのに十分な匿名性を持っています。
「今回は大理石の椅子の防護柵として、都市の中心部にアーバンスタイルのインスタレーションを試みました。 会場の地面は道路で暖められていたため、雪はありませんでした。 例年より会期が短かったにもかかわらず、綿帽子だけでなく雪帽も積もっていました。」
晴れた日には溶けた雪に反射する色の遊びは、濡れた保護基盤の上で予期せぬ色調で広がりを見せ、キャンパスの地下には周囲の木々が反射し、美しさが、時にはそれ自体の謙虚さの中でどのように表現できるかを示しています。私たちの鼻の下に隠れてください。 そして、冬の厳しさはまだ克服されていないものの、生命の春の目覚めを期待しています。 ナターシャ・バルビエリ/ ART BOOMS イタリア
Snow Pallet16 -Snow on Anthropocene-
会場:CAI 03野外エントランススペース
高さ180㎝~200㎝ 級の背高オブジェを主とした新作です。昨シーズンのような大雪に見舞われても対応できる形状です。オブジェに積もった雪が暖気によって溶け出し、シャーベット状になった際には、天板上面に施された蛍光色面の反射透過光により、色鮮やかにご覧いただけます。 今回の新たな試みの一つです。
Snow Pallet16 -Snow on Anthropocene-
Date: December 6, 2022 (Tuesday) to February 18, 2023 (Saturday)
Location: CAI 03 outdoor entrance space in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.

Snow Pallet is time-scape land art.
Last winter was a disaster-class heavy snowfall in Sapporo.
This time, it is a new work tall objects with heights of 180 cm to 220 cm.
Even if heavy snow like last season piles up, they are shaped so that they will not be buried in the snow.
Temperatures will rise several times during the winter season. Then you will be able to see colored snow masses on the objects.
I painted the top surface of the objects with a fluorescent color.
When snow conditions change sherbet-like, snow masses show vivid pinks, yellows, oranges, and blues by reflected light and transmission phenomena. You will see the snow on the object look like shaved ice.
This is a new attempt of a new snow pallet.
今日のスノーパレットはまるで溶けたソフトクリームのようです。2023年1月28日(土)積雪深54㎝、昨年度88㎝、平年値63㎝ These snow masses are like melted soft serve ice cream. Snow depth on January 28, 2023, 54 cm Last year 88 cm, average year 63 cm.
December 6, 2022 Now, don't miss the reflected light of the low-rise objects that only appear when the snow is 5cm to 10cm thick. And, It snowed 20 cm overnight on December 12th. The scenery has changed.
左画像:12月6日 積雪5㎝~10㎝ 降り始めにしか観ることの出来ない景色があります。
右画像:12月12日 積雪は一晩で20㎝積もり、景色が変わり始めました。

Sunday, December 18, 2022
24 hours of snowfall, the snow depth was 35 cm (52 cm last year, average year 22 cm). From now on, attention will be paid to tall objects. According to the weather news, the temperature will rise again from the middle of the week. The covered snow becomes sherbet-like, and the fluorescent color on the upper surface of the top plate is reflected and transmitted light, and you can see the scenery dyed like the syrup of shaved ice.

札幌は12月23日(金)~26日(月)の4日間連続で最低気温がプラス気温です。12月下旬に、4日連続で冬日にならないのは、 1876年の統計開始以来、初めてのことだそうです。12月26日:積雪深23㎝ 昨年43㎝ 平年値31㎝。
In Sapporo, the minimum temperature was positive for four consecutive days from December 23rd (Friday) to 26th (Monday). It seems that it is the first time since statistics began in 1876 that there are no winter days in a row for four days in late December.

12月30日:積雪深27㎝ 昨年34㎝ 平年値35㎝ December 30 : Snow depth 27cm Last year 34cm Average year 35cm.

札幌中心部の24時間の降雪量は午前9時現在11㎝。2023年1月16日 積雪深43㎝、昨年度76㎝、平年53㎝
For January, the temperature was + for the first time in 36 years for four consecutive days. However, today, 24-hour snowfall in central Sapporo is 11cm as of 9:00 am. January 16, 2023 snow depth 43 cm, last year 76 cm, average year 53 cm.
ART BOOMS「Snow Pallet 16で澁俊彦は雪を予想外の形と鮮やかな色の饗宴に変えます」
日本人アーティスト、澁谷俊彦による彫刻の物語「スノーパレット」は、今年で16章を迎えました。 そして、彼はそれを大規模ではないサイトスペシフィックなインストールで行いましたが、有名な場所に配置しました. 現代美術研究所、CAI 03 のエントランス。ここは、日本の最北端にある北海道の札幌にあります。 雪がふんだんに降る場所。「Snow Pallet 16」は通常のスクリプトに従います。アーティストは、降る雪が落ち着く場所に、金属製のテーブルに似た支持体を配置します。 白いブランケットが落ち着いてできあがる形は、天候によって、時間の経過によって (ある瞬間から次の瞬間まで)、1 日の時間によって、時間の経過によって、絶えず変化します。季節。 儚い美しさのモニュメント。 この継続的な変化と、冬の降雪によって認識できなくなった素晴らしい北欧の風景を強調するために、彼はインスタレーションの要素を蛍光色でペイントします。 雪と金属自体の両方にさまざまなニュアンスを投影します。通常、アーティストは支持体天板の下部に色を割り当てますが、「Snow Pallet 16」では、占有された地面へのインスタレーションの影響を最大化するために、上部を使用しました。 その効果は、選択されたビビッドでインフォーマルなトーンにより、演劇的であると同時に非公式であり、独自の方法で人工的に選択され、製造プロセスと日本の都市景観にリンクされていますが、キャンディー、アイスキャンディー、ソフトドリンクの効果に似ています。 .この点について、アーティスト自身が次のようにコメントしています。鮮やかなピンク、イエロー、オレンジ、ブルーを表示します。そのため、オブジェクト上の雪は、時々砕いた氷のように見えます。」
「Snow Pallet 16」の場合、澁谷は天板が厚くて狭く高い支持体 (1.8m ~ 2.2m ) を選択しました。 このようにして、予期せぬ壊れやすい形の森の誕生を調整します。 状態の変化(固体から液体へ、またはその逆)を色に引き継ぐ準備ができています。
本質的で活気に満ちた澁谷俊彦の作品には厳しいルールがあります。 まず第一に、自然の詩的で儚い魂が常に作品を支配しなければなりません。 一方、芸術家は謙虚に、創造の予測不可能な美しさに、時には一瞬のように見える革命を時間ごとに課さなければなりません。 それが完全な素晴らしさで現れるまで。澁谷が2011年から毎年同じ時期に粘り強く上演してきた「Snow Pallet」シリーズは、まさにその信念を体現している。「Snow Pallet」はデザインと密接に関連しており(アーティストが配置する支持体は本質的な直線性のため)、建築とも関係があります(都市部の緑地にどのように適合するか、使用される素材と色の両方)。 哲学、詩、エコロジーと同様に。 そして記憶。「私は自然と共鳴するアート作品を作るよう努めています。私のランドアートは、北海道の北方気候の特徴であり、その豪雪地帯を象徴しています。自然の中でのアートはすべて天気に関するものですが、私はそれが本来あるべき姿だと思います。大自然を手なずけるために私たちができることは何もありません. 私は自然をコントロールするのではなく、自然に寄り添い、賢く使うことを目指しています. 冬のランドアート「スノーパレット」は、主に札幌の大都市に設置されました.毎年冬になると雪が 6 メートルほど積もります。私のアートはサイトスペシフィックでもあり、『冬の思い出』を伝えるものでもあります。」アーティストによるこの最後の声明は、彫刻シリーズを親密で深く個人的な次元に届けるため、特に興味深いものです。 その循環的な繰り返しを抽象空間に置くかのように。 心理的。 あたかもすべての観客が彫刻グループを毎年見ているかのように、彼らの記憶を使用して、自然と以前の版の大気のエージェントを通じて失われた記憶を呼び起こし、同時に集合的な記憶を生かし続けることができます。作品が設置されている期間中の風景の変化を理解するために必要なドキュメンテーションに関係する側面。 そして、それは時間の経過とともに、変化の証人になります。
"With Snow Pallet 16, Toshihiko Shibuya transforms snow into a feast of unexpected shapes and vibrant colors"
The sculptural story “Snow Palette” by Japanese artist Toshihiko Shibuya has reached its 16th chapter this year.
And he did it in a site-specific installation that wasn't massive, but placed it in a prominent location: the entrance to the Contemporary Art Institute, CAI 03. It is located in Sapporo, the northernmost island of Hokkaido in Japan.
A place where it snows a lot. "Snow Pallet 16" follows the usual script. The artist places a support resembling a metal table where the falling snow settles. The shape that the white blanket takes in calmly changes constantly with the weather, with the passage of time ( from one moment to the next )with the hour of the day, with the passage of time. season.
A monument of ephemeral beauty. To emphasize this continual change and the stunning Nordic landscape rendered unrecognizable by the winter snowfall, he paints the elements of the installation in fluorescent colours.
He projects different nuances on both the snow and the metal itself. Usually the artist assigns color to the bottom of the support top, but in "Snow Pallet 16" I used the top to maximize the installation's impact on the occupied ground.
The effect is at once theatrical and informal due to the vivid and informal tones chosen, artificially selected in a unique way and linked to the manufacturing process and the Japanese cityscape, Similar to the effects of candies, popsicles and soft drinks. The artist himself commented on this point: Displays bright pinks, yellows, oranges and blues.
So snow on objects sometimes looks like crushed ice. ” For “Snow Pallet 16”, Shibuya chose a narrow and high support (1.8m to 2.2m) with a thick top. In this way, we coordinate the birth of forests in unexpected and fragile forms. Ready to take over the change of state (from solid to liquid or vice versa)to the color.
He explained that it snowed heavily in Sapporo last winter. For this he chose a high element. It is shaped so that it will not be buried in snow even if it snows like last season. During winter there are cases when the temperature rises to positive. Therefore, the spectator can freely enjoy the spectacle of colored snowpacks on the object. Essential and vibrant,
Toshihiko Shibuya's work has strict rules. First of all, the poetic and ephemeral soul of nature must always dominate his work. On the other hand, the artist must humbly impose upon the unpredictable beauty of creation a revolution, sometimes seemingly fleeting, from hour to hour. Until it appeared in perfect splendor.
The "Snow Pallet" series, which Shibuya has performed tenaciously at the same time every year since 2011, embodies this conviction. The “Snow Pallet” is closely related to design (because of the inherent linearity of the supports placed by the artist) and architecture (how it fits into urban green spaces, how it will be used). material and color). As well as philosophy, poetry and ecology. and memory. “I strive to create works of art that resonate with nature. My land art is characteristic of Hokkaido’s northern climate and symbolizes its heavy snowfall. Art in nature is all about the weather. But I think that's how it should be.There's nothing we can do to tame nature.
The winter land art “Snow Palette” was installed mainly in the big city of Sapporo.The snow piles up to 6 meters every winter. My art is both site-specific and conveys "winter memories". ” This final statement by the artist is particularly interesting because it brings the sculptural series to an intimate, deeply personal dimension. As if to put that cyclical repetition in an abstract space. Psychological. Using their memories to evoke lost memories through nature and the atmospheric agents of previous editions, while at the same time keeping the collective memory alive, as if every spectator watched the sculptural group year after year. I can. Aspects related to the documentation needed to understand the changes in the landscape during the time the work is installed. And it will, over time, witness change.

2023年1月21日(土)札幌市街地 24時間の降雪は17㎝。 現在の積雪深62㎝(昨年68㎝、平年値58㎝)
January 21, 2023 Sapporo Chuo-ku 24-hour snowfall of 17cm. Snow depth 62 cm last year 68 cm , average 58 cm

February 17,2023 Temperature +3°C. The snow piled on the top pallet melted like sherbet, and the reflected and transmitted light made the fluorescent colors appear vivid.

The last snow pallet view of this winter. February 28, 2023, 8:00 a.m. +4°C Today's maximum temperature was +8°C, so all the snow on the object melted.
この冬の最後のスノーパレットの眺め。2023年2月28日午前8時 気温プラス4度、今日の最高気温はプラス11,4℃と上昇し、オブジェ上の雪塊は全て解け落ちました。

Snow Pallet 15 - Snow on Anthropocene - ICE ART LABO 2022
会期 2022年1月15日(土)~2月27日(日)
会場 札幌市南区芸術の森3丁目915-20 札幌アートヴィレッジ内 芸森ワーサム フィールドアート:澁谷 俊彦
Date: (December 9th, 2020)January15th – February 27th,2022
Location: Geimori w-awesome, outdoor platform, Sapporo
Field art: Snow Pallet 15 by Toshihiko Shibuya
新作を交えた65基のオブジェを3000㎡の敷地中央に設置。芸森ワーサムの 中央広場のフィールドアートとして12月9日に完了。今回導入した新型オブジェの形状は「バタフライ型」羽を広げた蝶の形に似ていることから名付けました。
This time, I installed 65 objects in the center of 3000㎡ of the new platform "Geimori w-awesome".
The new objects are named "Butterfly". The butterfly-shaped form with its wings spread, these large objects are not buried in deep snow.
There was little snowfall in December. However, it is breaking the record of heavy snowfall every day in January 2022. In the near future, all the objects will be completely covered with snow.

2021年12月23日 積雪深20㎝(昨年同日9cm 平年値20cm)
2021年12月28日 pm2:00 降雪深38㎝(昨年同日18㎝、平年値30㎝)

2022年1月2日 pm4:00(日没時間 4:11)降雪深41㎝(昨年同日25㎝、平年値32㎝)

2022年1月5日 pm2:00 降雪深45㎝(昨年同日23㎝、平年値33㎝)

2022年1月5日 pm2:00 降雪深45㎝(昨年同日23㎝、平年値33㎝)

2022年1月6日 降雪深46㎝(昨年同日33㎝、平年値36㎝)

2022年1月6日 pm3:30 降雪深46㎝(昨年同日33㎝、平年値36㎝)

2022年1月13日 積雪深67cm (昨年同日31㎝平年値40㎝)

Snow Pallet 15+ 2022年1月14日 pm3:00 降雪深79㎝ Snow Pallet15は全埋没中
2022年1月13日 札幌市は1月11日から12日の24時間で55㎝の積雪があり、オブジェは想定外の全埋没となりました。この事態に「全埋没からのスタート」と、春に向けて雪かさが下がり、次第に姿を現すオブジェたちをお楽しみください。と告知。更にSnow Pallet15+を追加設置致。これは高さ20㎝までの16基のオブジェによる構成で、全埋没後は直ちに雪を取り除き、0㎝から降り積もる様子を常にご覧頂けるスタイルのものです。
January 13th Snow Palette 15 was completely covered with snow. In Sapporo City, there was 55 cm of snow in 24 hours from January 11th to 12th, breaking the record since the start of statistics. Therefore I created a new little flat space. The width is 300 cm and the depth is 100 cm. I installed 16 pieces there. Once the pieces here are completely covered with snow, all the snow will be removed. Visitors can always see the snow pile up. This new rule installation was named Snow Palette 15+.
札幌は2022年1月の降雪量が155 cm。1月の降雪量150cm超えは、2011年以来11年ぶり。2021年12月18日 24時間降雪量55㎝ 2022年2月6日 24時間降雪量 60cm 積雪深133cm
2022年2月14日 pm4:00 積雪深92㎝ 気温+1℃ (昨年度46cm 平年値60cm) 昨年の2倍の積雪深。オブジェは全埋没February 14, 2022 pm4: 00 Snow depth 92 cm Temperature +1 ° C ( last year 46 cm Normal value 60 cm )
雪待の庭・薄雪(うすゆき) Snow Pallet 14/ A Courtyard Awaiting Snowfall
会場:苫小牧市美術博物館 中庭
Date: October 9th, 2021 – March 13rd, 2022
Location: Courtyard of Tomakomai City Museum
今回の設置は札幌から65km離れた太平洋に面した苫小牧市の美術博物館です。そこは積雪の少ない地域です。積雪の少ない地域でのSnow Palletの設置は初めての試みです。一冬を通じて何度かしか降り積もらない雪を待つ庭です。年間降雪量は140cmしかなく、札幌市と比べて4分の1以下です。積雪も少なく、例年の最大積雪深は23cmです。
雪が降る季節までの晴れた日、曇りの日そして雨の日も美しい景色を見ることが出来ます。雪乞いのために10本の空に向かう背高のオブジェを初めて設置しました。空を見上げると、背高オブジェの天板の重なり部分に反射効果による鮮やかな影色が表出されています。また雨の日には、視線上に天板上を跳ね踊るカラフルな色彩の雨粒を観ることも出来ます。雨の日は「Rainy Pallet」です。
I set up 10 tall objects with the wish of snowfall.
These objects have some ideas so that you can watch them even when it doesn't snow.
It painted the top plates of tall objects with vivid colors. When you look up at the sky, you can see the vivid color of the reflective effect on the overlapping parts of the top plates.
Also, on rainy days, you can see the brightly colored dancing raindrops on the top plate. I named this object "Rainy Pallet" on a rainy day.
11月27日(土)初雪 The first snow fell on Tomakomai
This time, the Snow Pallet 14 was installed at the Tomakomai Art Museum facing the Pacific Ocean, 65 km away from Sapporo. It is an area with little snow. About 6m of snow falls every winter in Sapporo, but only 1.4m in Tomakomai. It's a quarter of that of Sapporo. The maximum snowfall in a year is 23 cm.
This is the first attempt to install “Snow Pallet” in an area with little snow.
It is a garden that is covered with snow only a few times throughout the winter.
I installed 11 disks including a disk with a maximum diameter of 100cm. Their height is 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm from the base. The reason is that there is little snow.
Snow Pallet 14 is held in the area with the least snowfall in Hokkaido.
It is the smallest site in 12 years. Its area is only about 19㎡.
In Tomakomai, 23 cm of snow has accumulated a day in the past. On January 5th of this year,
Over 30 cm of snow was piled up. This is a record heavy snowfall in this region.
This time too, the climate was unexpected and beyond my imagination.
The low objects were completely covered with snow in one day. From there, the snow gradually melted and I was able to see the reflection effect that appeared. The snow on the tops of the tall objects looks like shaved ice.
Snow Palette 14 in a small area had a drama this winter.

2022年1月10日 積雪深17㎝ 苫小牧市
On January 5, 2022, it snowed 30 centimeters a day in Tomakomai. This is a record heavy snowfall for the least snowy region of Hokkaido. The snow on the tall objects is look like shaved ice.

2022年1月25日 積雪深28㎝ 苫小牧市 January 25, 2022, snow depth 28cm in Tomakomai.
2022年2月22日 積雪深45cm (平年値23cm 過去10年間の最深積雪28cm)苫小牧は例年の2,6倍の積雪を記録更新中です。February 22, 2022 Snow depth 45 cm (normal value 23 cm, deepest snowfall in the past 10 years 28 cm
In Tomakomai, the snowfall is twice as much as usual.

Snow Pallet14 「雪待の庭・薄雪」は、2021年10月9日からの5か月の会期を無事に終え、本日完全撤去となりました。搬出直前の様子です。早朝からの降雪(積雪深4㎝)により理想的な姿を見せてくれました。全ての来場者と関係者にお礼申しあげます。本日は「なごり雪の庭」です。
Snow Pallet 14 "Snowfall Waiting Garden / Slight Snow" at Tomakomai City Art Museum has finished its five-month session. It has been snowing 4 cm from early morning today. It is just a garden of residual snow. Thank you to all visitors and museum officials.
■アフリカ African pearl
■台湾 La Vie 台灣設計雜誌/數位媒體
■中国 北京晩報
■中国 每日頭條
■ジョージア Hammock Magazine
■アメリカ wildjunglemonkey

Snow Pallet 13 -アントロポセン(人新世)に積もる雪- / Snow on Anthropocene-
Date: December 1st, 2020 – The thaw of March 2021
Location: Courtyard of Sapporo Park Hotel
This time I installed 70 pieces in this garden.
The area of this garden is 2,000 square meters.
The weather of this winter of Sapporo has many days when it was fine after the snowfall.
The art objects express the shadows of the clear shape to the surface of snow for winter strong sunlight. This Snow pallet is shadow pictures of the surface of snow with bright reflection colors. The shadow picture of rhythmical geometry figures appears to the surface of snow.
We can look down at this view from the southwestern windows on the third to the tenth floor of the hotel.
左画像:眼下にホテル中庭のスノーパレット、その上に氷結した中島公園の菖蒲池 コンサートホールキタラ(現在 改修工事中)正面の山は藻岩山、左奥に青くかすんだ恵庭岳が望めます。右画像:2020年12月22日 積雪深9㎝(平年値20㎝)
2020年12月29日 pm9:00 札幌市街地 積雪深18㎝(昨年度5㎝ 平均値35㎝)札幌管区気象台
積雪の少ない日には毎朝 キツネの足跡が雪面にアクセントを付けてくれております。
When snowy depth is shallow, the north fox walks here every night. On the next morning, we can find its footprints.

2021年1月3日 am11:40 札幌市街地 積雪深25㎝(昨年度3㎝ 平均値38㎝)札幌管区気象台
2021年1月20日 pm2:40 札幌市街地 積雪深50㎝(昨年度16㎝ 平均値56㎝)札幌管区気象台
2021年1月20日 pm2:40 札幌市街地 積雪深50㎝(昨年度16㎝ 平均値56㎝)札幌管区気象台

2021年1月8日 am11:00 札幌市街地 積雪深37㎝(昨年度7㎝ 平均値43㎝)札幌管区気象台
2021年1月8日 am11:00 札幌市街地 積雪深37㎝(昨年度7㎝ 平均値43㎝)札幌管区気象台
2021年1月20日 pm2:40 札幌市街地 積雪深50㎝(昨年度16㎝ 平均値56㎝)札幌管区気象 台

2021年1月23日 pm2:15 札幌市街地 積雪深60㎝(昨年度27㎝ 平均値58㎝)札幌管区気象台
2021年1月23日 pm2:15 札幌市街地 積雪深60㎝(昨年度27㎝ 平均値58㎝)札幌管区気象台
Cloudy,fine later and snowy 曇りのち晴れ、そして雪
2021年2月27日(土)1日の降雪量は約18㎝ 札幌市街地積雪深は57㎝(昨年度は64㎝、平年値75㎝)札幌管区気象台
3月3日(水)札幌市街地午前9時の積雪深は、今シーズン初めて昨年値及び平年値を超えて、75㎝を記録しました。(昨年値67㎝、平年値72㎝) しかし 累計降雪量は今年度313㎝。昨年より-85㎝、平年値より-170㎝と未だ少雪傾向 (札幌管区気象台)
These are unique snowy forms piled up. You can see the forms of the tetrahedron, amiable forms and the form such as the lunar crater. 積もった雪の形状が尖っていたり、丸かったり、平らだったりと不思議な光景です。
月面クレーター?も現れました。マックスの積雪を迎えた直後から急激な気温所意匠により、雪解けは加速度的にすすみ、3月11日 全てのオブジェの撤去をもって Snow Pallet13は終了致しますた。遠くから鑑賞に来て頂いた方もおります。全ての訪問者に感謝申し上げます。また来冬どこかの会場でお会いしましょう。I carried out all the pieces today. It's the end of winter. Thank you to all the visitors. See you somewhere next winter
■イタリアDesign boom
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■イタリア Art booms
■トルコ Bigumigu 「創造的なアイデア」
■ニューヨーク Breaking News
■ニューヨーク Opera News -art and design-
■ニューヨーク CRONY Creative
■中国 文化明周
■中国 微博
■World Tips Magazine
Snow Pallet12
■会場:第1会場 札幌デザイナー学院 玄関横階段エントランス 第2会場 ショコラティエ マサール中庭
Date: At the end of November 2019 –The thaw on March 2020
Location1: outside stairs of Sapporo Designer Gakuin, professional school in Sapporo
Location2: courtyard of Chocolatier Masale in Sapporo




Snow Pallet 11 -Snow Pallet Project by Toshihiko Shibuya-
■会場:六花亭札幌本店 前庭(南面)
Date: At the beginning of December 2018 –The thaw on March 2019
Location: the front yard of Rokkatei-Sapporo Main Store in Hokkaido Japan.
I installed new pieces. New pieces are doughnut-shaped and different heights.
Surely snow will be piled up in unique form.
When snow was piled up with no-wind, I found that a tiny snow mound appeared in the center just under the object. When the snowstorm occurs, it disappears.
Snow Pallet is an artwork where fluorescent paint has been applied to the bottom of an object in order to express the snow’s vivid reflection by its surface. It is an installation work that changes the landscape from time to time according to the amount of snow and sunlight, and by the number of objects of different heights. Please enjoy winter in Sapporo with Snow Pallet 11 which has changed their expression every day.
There’s nothing we can do to tame mother nature. I try not to control nature, but, nestle close to it to use it cleverly. I hope my work will start a new approach to thinking about winter art. everybody tends to hate winter, but if you change your point of view, the possibilities for the future are wide open. I send a message of art in the regions with heavy snowfalls from Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
イタリア デザインブーム
イタリア アートブームス
USA News Hub(ワシントンDC)


Snow Pallet 10
■ホテル札幌ガーデンパレス4F 中庭・回廊
Date: At the beginning of December 2017 –The thaw on March 2018
Location: The courtyard of 4th floor of the Hotel Sapporo Garden Palace
協力:アート札幌2017 まちなかアート Clark Gallery +SHIFT (学)北海道安達学園 専門学校札幌デザイナー学院
This time, I installed 26pieces in the courtyard of 4th floor of Hotel Sapporo Garden Palace. New object’s shape is double Z structures.
The iron disks and ‘Z’ shapes brightly colored bottoms displayed vivid colors on the snow. The objects are various heights. We are able to view the amount of snowfall changes by how much the color reflects on the snow every day.
I am looking forward to snowing this winter.
PS: I received the Hokkaido Culture Encouragement Prize in 2017.

Snow Pallet 9
Date: At the beginning of December 2016 –The thaw on March 2017
Place: Rokkatei Sapporo Main Store
6-3-3, Kita 4-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
Phone: 011-261-6666 Hours: 10am. - 7 pm.
会期:2016年12月初雪~2017年3月雪解けまで(年中無休) 10:00am~7:00pm
会場:六花亭札幌本店 前庭(南面)
〒060-0004札幌市中央区北4条西6丁目3-3 ※JR札幌駅南口徒歩3分 TEL011-261-6666
A latest installation show of“Snow Pallet 9” by Toshihiko Shibuya”who has been creating artworks aiming for a resonance to a place is held at .Rokkatei-Sapporo Main Store, (in the front yard) related to Art Sapporo 2016、Mach-naka Art Project and Clark Gallery + SHIFT.
Snow Pallet is an artwork where fluorescent paint has been applied to the bottom of an object in order to express the snow’s vivid reflection by its surface. It is an installation work that changes the landscape from time to time according to the amount of snow and sunlight, and by the number of objects of different heights. Please enjoy winter in Sapporo with Snow Pallet 9 which has changed their expression every day.
Snow Pallet 8 「思考するアート展」コトバノカタチ
Exhibition: Art to Thinking, Art to Talking
Date: December 3rd 2015 -March 16th 2016
Location: Prefectural Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art
Japanese artist Toshihiko Shibuya continues his ongoing ‘snow pallet’ installations with an eighth rendition; this time taking place at the Hokkaido Obihiro museum of art. The work includes, apart from its original components, several new pieces: Z shapes, and three-story forms. ‘snow pallet’s’ principle characteristic is fluorescent paint, which is applied to the bottoms of a range of artifacts, such as the ones above, in order to showcase the snow’s vivid reflective qualities.
Once installed, the work is left to sit, and continually changes according to shifts in the environment such as snow levels and types, sunlight exposure, and the general composition of form. ‘snow pallet’ explores themes of ‘symbiosis and coexistence between humans and nature’, and seeks to express the climate unique to japan’s northern regions.

Snow Pallet 7
Toshihiko Shibuya Installation “Snow Palette 7″
Date: November 12th 2014– March 8th 2015
Location: Miyanomori International Museum of Art, Sapporo
Supported by Art Sapporo, Creative Hokkaido and SHIFT
“Snow Pallet” is an artwork where fluorescent paint has been applied to the bottom of an object in order to express the snow’s vivid reflection by its surface. It is an installation work that changes the landscape from time to time according to the amount of snow and sunlight, and by the number of objects of different heights.

Snow Pallet 6 the wind break forest art project 2013-2014, Obihiro
■会場:帯広市愛国町東1線9番 空港線沿い防風林及び周辺雪原
The specific characteristics of the region are a strong wind and fine weather.
Actually, during the session of the exhibition, there were few snowfalls.
When there were few snowfalls, the “Snow pallet” had a small reflection effect. On the last day, much snow fell, and the bright colors appeared on the surface of the snow by the reflection effect at last.
The snow that piled up on the objects was blown all off by the wind. The ripple mark on the surface of the snow was so beautiful and looks like a rough sea.
I thank secretariat staff of the exhibition in Obihiro.

Snow Pallet 5 小樽ゆき物語 第1章 Otaru Snow Story 2013-2014
■第1会場:小樽運河プラザ(小樽市色内2丁目1-20) 第2会場:小樽貴賓館(小樽市祝津3丁目63)
-Snow Pallet 5-
Date: November 11th, 2013 – End of winter
Location: Otaru Canal Plaza and Old Aoyama Villa in Otaru
Curation: Clark Gallery + SHIFT
Supported by Otaru Tourism Association, Hokkaido Newspaper Press
I installed new pieces. New pieces are doughnut types. Surely snow will be piled up in unique form.
The Otaru canal plaza is a unique building. The roof is traditional Japanese style.
And you can view different scenery in Old Aoyama Villa, Otaru distinguished guest house, because the art objects are installed in the Japanese garden.

Snow Pallet 4 クリエイティブ北海道 in 札幌
■会期 2013年1月25日~2月17日
■会場 ノース・スノーランド イン 千歳
主催 ザ・ノースカントリーゴルフクラブ 企画 クラークギャラリー+SHIFT 協力 北海道新聞社
Snow Pallet 4
“Snow Pallet IV” was held in North Snow Land in Chitose.
Date: January 25th - February 17th, 2013. Address: North Country Golf Club, 26 Rankoshi, Chitose-City) Clark Gallery + SHIFT were curating the exhibition. This event was presented by The North Country Golf Club and supported by Hokkaido News Paper Press.
The new objects were square metal plates. The Snow Pallet IV is constructed as an homage to Mirei Shigemori. Mirei Shigemori(1896-1975)was a famous Japanese garden designer. His masterpiece was a Houjou garden in Toufuku temple in Kyoto. He designed a grid garden using moss and stones.
I attempted a new design. The bottoms of the square plates were painted with new colorful patterns. You could look forward to experiencing colored reflections with patterns on the snow.

Snow Pallet 3
環境との戯れ ―《SNOW PALLET 3》によせて―
強烈な寒波により、わずか3、4時間のうちに20センチを越える積雪を記録した数日前のことである。湿り気を多く含んだ雪が、瞬く間に地面を覆い尽くし、 木々や建物の上にうずたかく積もった。そうしたなか、白い枠形や円盤形のオブジェたちは、降り積もる雪を歓迎するかのように、色とりどりの輝きを放ちはじ めた。金属で組まれたオブジェたちは、冷たい外気にあてられて、その周囲に、上面に、抵抗なく雪を受け入れゆく。そして雪が厚みを増してゆくごとに、いっ そう輝きを強めてゆくのである。やがて全体の半分ほどが雪に埋もれた頃、白銀の上に蛍光色の鮮やかな光が点在する、幻想的な空間が出現した。《SNOW PALLET 3》の劇的な幕開けであった。
今作で3作目となる《SNOW PALLET》は、これまでモエレ沼公園や札幌芸術の森美術館の中庭などで澁谷氏が行ってきた、いわゆるインスタレーション(空間芸術)の試みのひとつで ある。その名が示すとおり雪が重要な要素とされ、空間のみならず、北海道の季候風土の特性までも取り込む氏の意欲作だ。回を重ねる毎にそうした環境との関 わりについての考察は深められてきたが、今回は自然物とのコラボレーションを狙い、樹木の周囲にオブジェを設置し、これまでとはひと味違った表情を生み出 しているのが特徴である。
そもそも《SNOW PALLET》は、白く平坦な雪面に彩りと起伏を与えるという恣意性と、雪や風の作り出す造形の偶然性とが、絶妙なバランスを織りなすことによって成り立 つ作品である。そこには調和や対立といった単純な図式は当てはまらない。そこにあるのは、作品と環境とが対等な立場において、互いの存在を固持しつつ自由 に戯れあうような関係と言えるだろう。そして今作で氏は、松の巨木や白樺といった自然物の周囲にオブジェたちを配置することで、作品における恣意性と偶然 性の要素を強化し、環境との、より厚みのある関係を築こうとしはじめているのである。
環境と芸術との関係はいかにあるべきかという問いを、氏は本作において問い続けていると言える。そしてその答えはすでに上記のように形で具現化されつつ あるに違いない。氏のたゆまぬ努力に敬意を表すとともに、当館の前庭を発表の場として選んでいただいたことに、この場を借りて謝意を表したい。 門間仁史(もんまさとし 関口雄揮記念美術館学芸員)
The exhibition Snow PalletⅢ by Toshihiko Shibuya was held at the front garden in the Yuki Sekiguchi Museum of Art which is located next to Sapporo Art Park. The first exhibition of this series "Snow Pallet" was held in the Moerenuma Park in 2011. The second one, "Snow PalletⅡ" was held in the garden of Sapporo Art Park from Dec 2011 to Mar 2012.
For the first series, the new landscape - showing the art installation under snowfall and strong wind with the scenery of Mt. Moere, in the park.
In contrast, we could see humorous shapes of the snow in the second exhibition place, because these was no wind in the garden of Sapporo Art Park.
Then the third series this time, it installed the objects to nestle close to pine trees and white birches to create a coexistence image.

Snow Pallet2 札幌芸術の森 中庭インスタレーション
■Location: the courtyard of Sapporo Art Museum
■Date: November 29th 2011-March 7th 2012

Snow Pallet 2011 SNOWSCAP MOERE6
■Place: MOERENUMA Park in Sapporo
■Date: February 18th-20th 2011

風の森 Forest of Wind
会期:2012年2月3日(金)~ 5日(日) 会場:モエレ沼公園ガラスノピラミッド周辺(札幌)
モ エレ沼地域の気候特性はとにかく風の強いこと。 ここに着目したのが今回の「風の森」です。発泡ウレタ
ンとFRPを素材にした棒状オブジェは微風にも反応して揺れ動きます。上部木口には蛍光塗料が彩色 されてい
ピラミッドとモエレ山の間に200基の オブジェを設置しました。無風状態では雪原の白色に埋没してしまいま