The moment the thistle fluff is released.
採取したアザミの冠毛が宙に舞う瞬間 / SEPTEMBER 2023
北海道東川町 複合交流施設せんとぴゅあⅠギャラリー2
In a Dream, the Journey Is Within Reach
Date : 29, April – 22, May, 2022. Closed on Mondays・Opening hours : 10:00 ~ 17:00
Location : Higashikawa Cultural Exchange Center CentPure. Gallery2 Kita machi 1-1-2, Higashikawa,
Hokkaido, Japan. 071-1426
■参加作家:アストリッド・コッペ 樫見菜々子 斎藤ちさと 澁谷俊彦 徂徠友香子 濱田富貴 山川美雪
■主催:写真文化首都「写真の町」東川町 ■企画 :小林俊哉
■協力:ギャラリ石榴 ギャラリカメリア 南平妙子 房野聡子
Special thanks to Gallry Sekiryu, Gallery Camellia,
Taeko Nanpei, Satoko Fusano・Curated by Toshiya Kobayashi*Participating artists Astrid Köppe /
Kashimi Nanako / Chisato Saito / Shibuya Toshihiko / Sorai Yukako / Fuki Hamada / Miyuki Yamak
White Collection
Black Box series
White Collection” is a box art which brings a new perspective by reflecting lights from the back of the top plate in a clear acrylic box on various objects collected by myself. The motifs are mainly fluff such as dandelion, butterbur sprout, willow and asclepiadaceae, honeycomb and dead leaves which have been bleaching during the winter. Indeed all of them are various plants based on white. As basically I collect them in my hands and only processes for maintaining its shapes, these objects could keep nearly the natural appearance. My art objects are the device for you to rediscover the beauty of nature around us. This time you can also see the best selection and new works. The new works are "fresh dandelion fluff," "dried silvermound artemisia ," and "dried white mugwort."
The cosmos in which we happened to be thrown into is thought to have “infinite” space and time. However, we would have to think that “the cosmos” we presently know is actually “merely one” in the “boundless cosmos” we do not yet fully know, or which is forever unknowable. From the genesis of “the cosmos” that we know, and ever since the very first single cell organism was born on this earth, “all forms of life” have continued to be born through many eons and in areas far and wide. Despite the fact that life forms on earth (natural objects) all share common genes, they are unable to communicate with us humans.
Nevertheless, artists focus on each and every essence of the life forms (natural objects) that we coexist with. In addition, it is in the artist’ a nature to ruminate about the cosmos, from the innermost microcosm to the infinitude of the cosmos. The journey to the boundless cosmos is within reach “in our dreams.” It might be that the threshold of the cosmos is somewhere closest to our own selves. (Toshiya Kobayashi)
地球上にいる生物(自然物)はみんな共通の遺伝子を持っていますが、私たち人間とはコミュニケーションが出来ません。しかし、アーティストたちは、共に生きるその生物(自然物)のエッセンスひとつひとつを見つめます。そして、アーティストたちは、内なる極小の宇宙から無限大の宇宙へと想いを巡らせます。宇宙への旅は、私たちの「ゆめの中」ではとても近い存在です。宇宙への入り口は、私たち自身と最も身近にあるものかもしれません。 (小林俊哉)
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
手前のボックスはチョウノスケソウの綿毛です。学名 Dryas octopetala var. asiatica
和名:チョウノスケソウ( 長之助草 )科名 / 属名:バラ科 / チョウノスケソウ属
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
一般名 シュウメイギク(秋明菊)学名:Anemone hupehensis vajaponica(=Anemone japonica) 別名:キセンギク、キブネギク(いずれも、貴船菊)、Japanese anemone(ジャパニーズアネモネ) 分類名:植物界被子植物門双子葉植物綱キンポウゲ目キンポウゲ科イチリンソウ属シュウメイギク種
萼片(がくへん)が散った後に球状の花芯が残り、晩秋(初雪直前に)熟して割れると真っ白な綿毛が現れます。 綿毛の表面には胡麻粒のような種子が多数あり、微風で綿毛は解けて散布されます。このアクリルボックスには、綿毛がほどけて風で舞う直前の様を収めております。
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
ガガイモとはキョウチクトウ科のつる性多年草です。クロンキスト体系でガガイモ科に分類されます。学名: Metaplexis japonica 科名:ガガイモ科 属名:キョウチクトウ科・ガガイモ科 英名 : Panicled tick trefoil 東アジアや日本各地に広く自生し、開花時期は8月。ヒトデのような5弁の花を咲かせます。花色は薄い紫色やピンク色。果実は大型の紡錘形の袋果で、秋にはその袋果が割れて、中から白い毛の生えた種子が出る。綿毛を飛ばして繁殖する。このアクリルボックス内には、割れた袋果から綿毛が溢れ出る瞬間を収めている。
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
Photo : Kazuhiko Nagaki
WHITE COLLECTION-Black Box series-
Toshihiko Shibuya solo Exhibition2017
Exhibition for Winning the Hokkaido Culture Encouragement Prize in 2017
Date: October 17th-October 29th
Place: TO OV café gallery, Sapporo
“The New White Collection” is an installation which brings a new perspective by art objects of black boxes collected by myself from the last season of autumn. I created new white collection. It has no reflection effect. I named it “black box”. These are natural dried cudweed, the fluff of poplar, natural dried hydrangea, natural dried black ground cherry, and nameless dry leaf. Then, I collected a squirrel skull and a hornets nest.
Themes of my work are symbiosis, coexistence and circulation of the life. I think that this is the device for you to rediscover small nature of under your feet. And I received the Hokkaido Culture Encouragement Prize in 2017
White Collection -Black Box series-
澁谷俊彦展 Toshihiko Shibuya
2017/10/17 [Tue]〜2017/10/29 [Sun]
Mon. - Sat. 10:30 - 22:00, Sun. 10:30 - 20:00
ト・オン・カフェ 札幌市中央区南9条西3丁目2-1マジソンハイツ1F
WHITE COLLECTION 3 澁谷俊彦 インスタレーション 2016
■White Collection 3: Toshihiko Shibuya Installation 2016
Date: January 6th – 31st, 2016
Place: Clark Gallery+SHIFT
Address: 2F MUSEUM, South 3 East 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Tel: +81(0)11 596 7752
Text: Aya Shomura (SHIFT)
冬や雪、大地と自然、雪国ならではの新しいアート表現に意欲的に挑み続け、国内のみならずドバイやバンコクなどの海外からも注目を集める美術家・澁谷俊彦の個展「ホワイトコレクション3 澁谷俊彦 インスタレーション 2016」が、2016年1月6日よりクラークギャラリー+SHIFTにて開催される。本展では、北海道の白い植物などを色彩の陰影で美しく染めたオブジェを床や壁面へ多数展示する。
2014年の第43回札幌文化奨励賞受賞後も、手を緩めることなく創作し続ける澁谷。今冬は、札幌だけではなく北海道立帯広美術館で開催中の「思考するアート展 コトバノカタチ」(2015年12月3日~2016年3月16日)、そして「アイスヒルズホテル in 当別」(2016年1月15日~2月28日)でも、彼の写し取る繊細で表情豊かな「冬」の陰影を堪能することができる。
From January 6th, Clark Gallery+SHIFT will holds new exhibition “White Collection 3” of Toshihiko Shibuya, an artist based on Sapporo, Hokkaido, who is one of the few artists showing new art expressions through a theme on this region with heavy snowfalls. And overseas including Dubai and Bangkok pay attention to him, not only Japan. For this exhibition,
“White Collection” is an installation which brings a new perspective by reflecting lights on various objects collected by himself. The motifs are mainly fluff such as dandelion, butterbur sprout, willow and asclepiadaceae, honeycomb and dead leaves which have been bleaching during the winter. Indeed all of them are various plants based on white. As basically he collects them in his hands and only processes for maintaining its shapes, these objects could keep nearly the natural appearance. He said that his objects are the device for you to rediscover the beauty of nature around us.
In 2014, he got the Sapporo Culture Encouragement Prize and has been kept creating art works without loosening the hand. This Winter, it’s possible to enjoy the delicate and expressive shading of the “Winter” that he took out at several exhibitions such as “Art to Thinking, Art to Talking” at Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art till March 16th, 2016 and “Ice Hills Hotel in Toubetsu” at Sweden Hills in Toubetsu town from January 15th to February 28th, 2016.
WHITE COLLECTION -Toshihiko Shibuya Exhibition2015-
■ホワイトコレクション 澁谷俊彦インスタレーション2015
会期: 2015年07月04日(土)〜2015年08月30日(日)
WHITE COLLECTION -Toshihiko Shibuya Exhibition2015-
Exhibition for Winning the Sapporo Culture Encouragement Prize
Date: July 4th-August 30th
Place: Sekiguchi Yuki Memorial Museum of Art
“The White Collection” is an installation which brings a new perspective by reflecting lights on various objects collected by myself from the last season of autumn. These objects show a variety of expressions in transitional natural light. Themes of my work are symbiosis, coexistence and circulation of the life.
Photo: Satoshi Monnma
WHITE COLLECTION -Circulation of the life-
■2015Minus-Art Exhibition
Date:2015/08/01 [Sat]~2015/08/30 [Sun]
Space: Old hotel MINOYA in Obihiro
Theme of my work, White Collection is circulation of the life.
I installed 5 objects on the floor and 27 small boxes beside the window in guest room 505. My objects are the fluff of Asclepiadaceae.
I installed them for the reconstruction of the old building.
澁谷俊彦 インスタレーション「ホワイト・コレクション」
会期: 2013年8月7日(水)~20日(火)
会場: ギャラリー門馬アネックス(札幌)
White Collection
Date: August 7th-20th
Place: Gallery Monnma Annex in Sapporo
“The White Collection” is an installation which brings a new perspective by reflecting lights on various objects collected by myself from the last season of autumn. These objects show a variety of expressions in transitional natural light in white corridor.
Photo: Barry Ashworth
Photo: Barry Ashworth