Water Pallet
■Sprouting Garden-萌ゆる森
主催:札幌芸術の森美術館(札幌市芸術文化財団)関口雄揮記念美術館 北海道新聞社

この夏、札幌芸術の森、野外美術館にあるダニ・カラヴァン(イスラエル)作、「隠された庭への道」作品内に私の新作「ウォーターパレット」を設置しました。 これは「Sprouting Garden-萌ゆる森」展への設置作品となります。この場への設置を快く承諾して頂いたカラバン氏、及び芸術の森美術館関係者 他、多くのみなさんのご尽力 により作品設置が実現することとなりました。心より感謝申し上げます。彼のこの作品コンセプトは「7」という数字がカギとなっています。設置オブジェ7基、「水路」:全長70メートル、蛇行半径7メートル、「門1」「門2」高さ7メートル、など。7はユダヤ教に深く起因しています。彼はイ スラエル、テルアビブの出身。「神は6日で世界をつくり、7日目に休息をとった」と聖書にあり、イスラエルでは耕作地を7年ごとに休ませる習慣があります。虹の色数や一週間の日数など、人間は古くから「7」と深く関わって生活してきた。数は人間の様々な体験の中から生まれたもので、生命のリズム・環境・宇宙に通じるその場との関係であるとカラヴァン(イスラエル)は、語っています。

■Sprouting Garden
Date: July 5th-November 3rd 2014
Location: Sapporo Sculpture Garden
Toshihiko Shibuya, an artist based in Sapporo, Hokkaido, installed new artwork “Water Palle” on “Way to the Garden” by Dani Karavan, at Sapporo Artpark outdoor Space and Sapporo Artpark Sculpture Garden. He is one of the few artists who shows new art expressions through a theme on this region with heavy snowfalls. This installation is one of works for “Sprouting Garden” exhibition.
A number of “7” is the concept of Karavan’s work, which has seven objects. “The waterway” is 70 meters in total length. The height of “the gate” is 7 meters. “7” resulted from Judaism. The Bible says “God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day,” and there is a habit to rest the cultivated land in Israel every seven years. Such as the number of days in a week and colors of the rainbow, human has been living and involved deeply with “7” for a ling time. Karavan says “as number was born out of various experiences of human, it relates to the place leads to the rhythm of life, the environment and the universe.”
This time, Shibuya quotes the number “7” in his installation because of respect for Karavan and his works. Shibuya puts 7 objects of 7cm diameter floating type (small), 7 of 7cm radius floating type (middle), 7 of 70cm diameter on water type and 7 of buried type there.
In addition, he changed the shapes, size of the objects and also quaint from the series “Snow Pallet” and “Ice Pallet,” which have been announced among the local environment of snow and ice, to new style makes use of see-through property of water substance and immerse the works themselves in the water as well as on the water.
Among the colors of nature that come and go every day, those objects that move to the left and the right in response to the water caused by the wind to the swaying, make us forget to even passage of time. Against the background of the work of Karavan, at rainy day the shape of the object and the surface of the water ripples overlap, it is fun how going to change the look.

All Photos: Courtesy of the Artist © Toshihiko Shibuya
Water Pallet 2 in Bangkok, Thailand
■Creative Hokkaido Meets Bangkok
会期: 2014年11月20日 10:00am-6:00pm
会場: Nikka Bar & Restaurant Yoichi
Address: 6/11 Soi Promsri, Klong Tan Nuea, Thawi Wattana, Bangkok
Art: Toshihiko Shibuya
Creative Direction: Taketo Oguchi (Clark Gallery + SHIFT)

As a key word “creative,” it’s the project “Creative Hokkaido” to promote new culture of Hokkaido to domestic in Japan and foreign (mainly in Asia), and aim to increase fans of Hokkaido. Started the activities from 2012, we have been promoted in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei. And in 2014, hold it in Taipei and Bangkok.
In Bangkok, titled “Creative Hokkaido Meets Bangkok”, at The Nikka Bar & Restaurant Yoichi was opened newly in Bangkok.
In the place, Toshihiko Shibuya‘s art work “Water Pallet” was installed at the entrance to welcome guests in Bangkok on November 22nd.
A total of 19 steel objects were installed. Underwater type was four. Floating objects were four. Four pieces are able to move by wind and flow of the water. The bottoms of all objects were painted some bright colors. "The effect of the reflection" appears on water . And you are able to gaze the fantastic scenery from the evening by illumination.
Because “Water Pallet” in Bangkok is installed at long time, you can look at this work anytime.